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The Visionary & the Vision



Jasmine Holden is a college graduate, Certified Life Coach, Author and mother. Ms. Holden enjoys camping, traveling and gathering with love ones. Jasmine enjoys historical nonfiction and motivational novels.
Jasmine has years of experience in customer service, social service and human service.  She has turned her focus to helping inner-city minorities with increasing their literacy rates. "Children are reluctant to read if they're represented on the cover and within the literature"- Jasmine Holden.


Vice President

Arabia Miller a recent graduate of Capella University. She obtained a degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. Arabia is a loving and devoted dog mom. Ms. Miller enjoys experiencing new restaurants and traveling. She's also fond of heartfelt romantic novels. Arabia is dedicated to helping those in the community.



Keya Riley was born and raised in Syracuse NY. Keya has several years experience in the human service field. She is a mother of 3. She enjoys cooking, she attended college for Culinary Arts. Writing is a passion of Mrs. Riley. She's written several heart warming poems. Keya can be found diving head first in a suspenseful mystery novel.

Preserve The Black Child Inc.


This organization was founded to increase literacy rates. Literacy rates in the inner-cities are low. If children are reading books that reflect them and their environment, they are more willing to reading. While scaling material I came across a study that showed, Caucasians being the top percentage reflected in books. Next are animals, then African Americans at 12%. Natives and Hispanics are marked as less than 5%. I created this organization to close the gap. By having a book fair that displays minority authors and their creations. It gives children access to reads that models themselves. When a child is able to see themselves on a cover it's inspirational. Please help me inspire all minority children by donating and or sponsoring a great cause.


Preserve The Black Child Inc strives to have a brick and mortar. Children will have a safe space to be paired up with a buddy, to help them with reading and comprehension. When you're able to read and comprehend the world is full of endless possibilities. They will also be taught Black History, knowing who they are and how far their ancestors have come, helps build children's character.  Financial Independence, properly managing funds puts them on the path to financial wealth.  Also Legal Rights, knowing their rights allows them to advocate and set proper boundaries. These are subjects that are not taught year round in the inner-cities school districts. When taught these subjects they'll be better equipped to venture out into the world. Help a great organization preserve a black child today. Preserve The Black Child Inc. is an approved 501c3 non-profit organization.

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